Fort Buchanan is an active U.S. Army installation located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District contracted ANAMAR to update the Integrated Natural Resources Plan (INRMP), Endangered Species Management Plan (ESMP), and conduct a wetland delineation and swamp bloodwood survey for Fort Buchanan.

INRMPs and ESMPs are planning documents that allow installations to manage their natural resources while coordinating with various stakeholders. The INRMP and ESMP document the current status of natural resources management and endangered species at the installation and identify management goals to be implemented during the next 5 years. ANAMAR coordinated and met with Fort Buchanan and USACE personnel, researched and compiled existing data, and conducted a site visit to characterize natural resources, document existing conditions, and identify areas of environmental concern at the installation. ANAMAR reviewed and updated the current ESMP for two endangered species present on the installation: the palo de rosa and the Puerto Rican boa. ANAMAR also performed a wetland delineation and swamp bloodwood survey on the installation and prepared a report summarizing results. The INRMP describes the physical environment (water resources, soils, air quality), biological resources (vegetation, wildlife, sensitive species), cultural resources, socioeconomics, facilities, and hazardous and toxic substances. Based on this information, the INRMP identifies specific actions required to meet the natural resource management goals on the Fort Buchanan installation during the 5‑year management period. Resource management areas included soils, water quality, aquatic and riparian habitats, wetlands, terrestrial habitats, threatened and endangered species, cultural resources, and pest management.