Dredged Material Evaluations
Supporting critical navigation missions
ANAMAR provides a full suite of services to support long-term planning needs associated with port facility improvements and expansion, berths and entrance channel maintenance, new work projects to expand or deepen channels to safely accommodate larger ships or more vessel traffic, development of long-term dredged material management plans, and assessment of natural resources on land and in adjacent waterways.
Maintenance dredging is conducted regularly by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and private entities, such as port authorities, to keep navigation channels, berths and turning basins accessible to shipping traffic. New work dredging is often associated with harbor expansion or deepening projects which are critical to supporting our nation’s economy. The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA) regulates the transportation and disposal of material in the ocean, prohibits ocean disposal of certain wastes without a permit, and prohibits the disposal of certain materials entirely.
Dredged Material Evaluations Services
- Evaluations for Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act
- Evaluations for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
- Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring/Site Designations/Site Expansions
- Preparation and updating of site management and monitoring plans (SMMPs)
- Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans/Quality Assurance Project Plans (SAP/QAPPs)
- Planning and execution of sampling operations
- Facilitating coordination with appropriate regulatory agencies
- Data QA/QC, validation, compilation, and statistical analysis
- ADDAMS modeling
- Final report deliverables
Recent Dredged Material Evaluations Projects
Disposal of dredged material
Under the authority of Section 103 of the MPRSA, USACE may issue ocean disposal permits for dredged material if EPA concurs with the decision. Dredged material proposed for ocean disposal undergoes an extensive multi-tiered evaluation to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR 227. These evaluations are called Section 103 Sediment Evaluations, and the intent of this tiered approach is to ensure the suitability of dredge material proposed for ocean disposal while using testing resources efficiently. This is achieved by testing the proposed material only as intensely as is necessary to provide sufficient information for determining suitability of material for disposal.
At ANAMAR, we are well aware there is a difference between just sampling and understanding the reasons for and the goals of the sampling.
From testing to disposal
ANAMAR specializes in providing complete “cradle to grave” services related to conducting sediment testing in support of Section 103 Sediment Evaluations for ocean disposal of dredged material as well as Section 404 (Clean Water Act) Evaluation for upland disposal of dredged material. As specialists, we have spent significant resources (time, money, hours) keeping current with the newest technologies and regulations and purchasing custom equipment for projects to improve sample collection success and efficiency.
Our staff’s fundamental understanding of environmental chemistry and toxicology as it relates to sample collection and analysis has helped ANAMAR establish itself in the dredging industry. We are also known for our ability to get difficult work done properly, safely, efficiently, and on short notice. ANAMAR uses its knowledge of chemistry, toxicology, engineering, hydrology, geology, and ecology to review historical data before beginning sampling activities. This added value has greatly benefited our clients when developing sampling and analysis plans for their projects.

Federal Government Information
With over two decades of work for the federal government, ANAMAR Environmental Consulting is committed to supporting initiatives and ensuring diligent compliance with all regulations and contract terms. ANAMAR is proud to be a trusted partner of numerous federal agencies, offering exceptional performance and expertise in environmental services supporting the navigational support services, dredged material management, NEPA compliance, and environmental permitting.
Dredged Material Evaluations NAICS Codes
Environmental Consulting Services
Testing Laboratories and Services
Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical ) Services
Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Other Management Consulting Services