The Galveston District of the US Army Corps of Engineers ensures the navigability of the Galveston Harbor, Channel, and the Houston Ship Channel, as authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1910 and subsequent legislation. The Galveston District contracts and supervises maintenance dredging of the Galveston channels and the lower sections of the Houston Ship Channel to maintain a channel depth of 45 feet MLT plus an additional 2 feet for advanced maintenance and 2 feet for equipment overdepth. This regular maintenance dredging ensures uninterrupted access to port facilities served by both the Galveston and Houston Ship Channels.

Project Statute

  • MPRSA Section 103

ANAMAR was contracted by USACE-Galveston to collect sediment and water samples in the Galveston Harbor and Channels and Houston Ship Channels in accordance with an approved Sampling and Analysis Plan. ANAMAR subcontracted sample analysis to a NELAP-accredited laboratory for physical, chemical, and toxicological analysis of sediment, site water, elutriate, and tissue, including bioassay and bioaccumulation testing. ANAMAR provided quality assurance/quality control for laboratory results and generated appropriate reports and related deliverables required for the Galveston District. The report successfully gained EPA concurrence required for ocean disposal of dredged material pursuant to MPRSA Section 103 and local and regional regulatory requirements.


