ANAMAR was contracted by USACE Galveston to provide services for the Houston Ship Channel Sediment Testing, Morgan’s Point to Exxon, Exxon to Carpenters Bayou, Carpenters Bayou to Green Bayou, Greens Bayou to Sims Bayou, and Sims Bayou to Turning Basin, TX.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
The Houston Ship Channel (HSC) project was authorized by the 61st U.S. Congress in 1905 and subsequent Acts until 1996. It is a deep-draft navigation project that consists of a main channel, a light draft channel, and a shallow draft channel. The required depth of dredging is 46 feet below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW, Corps of Engineers Datum), with 2 feet of allowable over depth dredging.
The dredging frequency for this navigation project averages approximately 2 years with an average of about 1,000,000 cubic yards (CY) of material excavated per dredging contract; however, the intent of this contract ANAMAR worked on would be to cycle offshore placement with the use of upland placement areas to provide options for management of land-based sites to include ditching, dewatering, and levee raising.