ANAMAR was contracted by Canaveral Port Authority to collect and analyze routine maintenance dredge material from several berths and cruise terminal areas within Port Canaveral.

Project Statute
- MPRSA Section 103
The purpose of the maintenance dredging project supported by ANAMAR is to maintain adequate depths throughout the port to allow ships access to cruise terminals and berths. This MPRSA Section 103 evaluation supports a federal permit from USACE to allow for ocean disposal of maintenance dredged material from the project area. Discrete samples underwent grain size analysis. Discrete samples were composited to form three composite samples, one representing each DU. Composite samples underwent physical analyses, sediment chemistry, elutriate/site water chemistry, solid phase and water column bioassays, bioaccumulation, and tissue chemistry. This project was performed on a compressed schedule, and ANAMAR and its team members were able to successfully meet schedule deadlines and milestones. The sampling team had to work around vessel schedules to access sampling stations at the berths and cruise terminals.