ANAMAR was contracted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District to conduct four sediment evaluations for Umpqua River Federal Navigation Channel, Wahkiakum Ferry – Westport Slough Channel, Skipanon Channel, and Bonneville Dam Navigation Lock 1, as well as a nearshore placement site baseline survey for Tillamook.

Project Statute
- Pacific Northwest Sediment Evaluation Framework (PNW SEF)
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District routinely dredges several projects on the Oregon Coast and the Columbia River to maintain the federal navigation channels to authorized project depths. ANAMAR was contracted by USACE-Portland to conduct sediment characterizations for material from Umpqua River, Wahkiakum Ferry – Westport Slough, Skipanon Channel, and Bonneville Dam Navigation Lock 1 to determine the suitability of the dredged material for unconfined, aquatic disposal.
A nearshore placement site baseline survey was also conducted in Tillamook Bay in order to identify a nearshore placement site for beneficial use of dredged material in the nearshore waters north of the Tillamook inlet.
ANAMAR scientists successfully worked together to complete the five projects in a timely manner across three mobilizations. Each report was submitted and approved by the Portland Sediment Evaluation Team within the project’s period of performance.